Pine Forge Academy Students Visit Broadway

Pine Forge Academy’s Fine Arts Department organized a trip to Broadway for students involved in their private lessons program. The group of 58 students and 11 chaperones watched the musical production of Aladdin.

The trip is an important part of the program, designed to give students a glimpse into how their musical gifts can translate into a professional career. “A lot of students take private lessons, and some want to pursue music, but have never seen a performance in a theater. This opens the eyes of students to be able to see where their hard work can get them,” says Auldwin Johnson, Assistant Dean of Men & Chair of the Voice Department.

There was also intentionality in the production selected. “We also want our students to see representation. Though we saw Aladdin, there was a black man as a lead character.” This is the third trip the department has organized, and the last two years they saw shows where the majority of the cast or the main characters were African-American. “We want them to experience seeing someone who looks like them on stage to give them something to aspire toward. This experience brings joy to our students, and we will keep this a staple part of our program for years to come,” says Johnson.


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