Trevor Kinlock
Gary Wimbish
Vice President for Admin/HR Officer
Lawrance Martin
Vice President for Finance
who shall be an ordained minister of experience, is the President of the Conference Corporation and first officer and shall report to the Executive Committee. The President shall act as Chair of the constituency meetings and the Executive Committee, and serve in the general interests of the Conference as the constituency and the Executive Committee shall determine. In the President’s leadership, the President shall generally adhere to the policies of the Columbia Union Conference, the North American Division, and the General Conference. The President shall work in close counsel with Union officers, the Vice President for Administration, and the Vice President for Finance.
is the Executive Secretary/Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) of the Conference and the Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee (EXCOM). The VP for Admin shall work in counsel with the President and Vice President for Finance and shall report to the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the VP for Admin to maintain the conference membership records, to keep the minutes of the Conference constituency meetings and of the EXCOM meetings, and to furnish copies of these minutes to all members of the EXCOM and to the officers of the Columbia Union Conference. The VP for Admin shall also be responsible for providing information as may be requested by the President or by the EXCOM, and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office.
is the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Conference. The VP for Finance shall work in counsel with the President and VP for Admin and shall report to the EXCOM. The VP for Finance shall be responsible for providing financial leadership to the organization which will include, but shall not be limited to, receiving, safeguarding, and disbursing all funds in harmony with the actions of the EXCOM; remitting all required funds to the Union, Division, and General Conference in harmony with the policies of the North American Division and the AEC policies and any government regulation and by action of the EXCOM; and providing financial information to the President and to the EXCOM. The VP of Finance shall also be responsible for furnishing copies of the financial statements to the Columbia Union officers.