Kinlock’s Korner: A Peak into the President’s Week

Drs. Kinlock and Alberty Celebrate Pine Forge National Honor Society Inductees

Last week the latest class of inductees was welcomed into the National Honor Society at Pine Forge Academy.  The National Honor Society is a national organization that recognizes and encourages students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, service, character, and scholarship.  Drs, Kinlock and Alberty (AEC Superintendent) attended the honors service to help recognize students who have distinguished themselves in these areas and made a commitment to uphold these standards of excellence.  Led by Vice Principal Adrienne Rhodes, the service also featured the recognition of former principal, Cliff Reynolds.  Principal Reynolds was celebrated with an unveiling of his picture which will hang in the Academy hall with all the former principals.  

President Kinlock Installs Dr. Dewaine Frazer at Metro Church

The Metropolitan Church in Hyattsville, MD, welcomed their new pastor and family, Dr. Dewaine Frazer. The day was full of celebration as the members presented tokens of love and affirmation to receive Pastor and Sis Frazer into the Metropolitan family. Dr. Kinlock led a congregational affirmation and prayer for the Frazers as the church elders surrounded the family in prayer. The service was filled with God-inspired worship capped off by a Spirit-filled message from Pastor Frazer. Many souls responded to the sermonic appeal and came to the altar for prayer. After service, the members held a grand fellowship lunch in their pastor's honor. Dr. Kinlock shared, "I believe God is going to move this congregation higher in kingdom impact through the leadership of Dr. Frazer." 

Allegheny East, Chesapeake Conference, Columbia Union, and It is Written partner for "REACH Baltimore 2025"

The leaders of Allegheny East and Chesapeake conferences have joined to plan an impactful evangelistic effort to reach the city of Baltimore in 2025. In October 2025, a major evangelistic meeting will be held in the Baltimore area to reach residents who need to hear the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. The two conferences have been preparing this effort for years and are now in the final stages of what is sure to be a major kingdom event. It is Written speaker John Bradshaw, and NAD President Alex Bryant will co-preach the nightly meetings. Dr. Kinlock and Chesapeake president Jerry Lutz recently gathered at the Columbia Union executive meeting to share the exciting plans for REACH Baltimore. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare hearts to enter the kingdom through these faithful efforts. 


Pine Forge Academy Hosts Academy Weekend


Pine Forge Academy Students Visit Broadway