Youth Department Hosts VBS Training

On Sunday, March 16th, the Youth Department hosted a Vacation Bible School training at AEC Headquarters from 9 AM to 1 PM. At least 35 attendees representing various areas gathered for training on how to execute a successful VBS curriculum at their local church. Facilitators included Orien Clairmont, Pastor Novella Smith, and Jacqueline O’Bryant. Attendees went through a mock day of VBS, reviewing each station that children would experience, including how to set it up and how to teach the lesson. Stations included Bible story, craft, prayer, snack, and game. In addition, attendees received information on important elements such as clearances, registration processes, staff uniforms, resources, and supplies.

One church was blessed with a surprise gift of the banner (worth $200) for their 2025 VBS.

The Bible stories for this year are:

Day 1: Facing Challenges with God

Day 2: Bread and water in Zarepath

Day 3: Battles of the Gods

Day 4: Elijah Runs Away from Everyone

Day 5: Elijah and Elisha cross the Jordan River


Safety Sabbath is March 29th


Pine Forge Academy Hosts Academy Weekend