AEC Churches Transform Their Communities for Global Youth Day

Various churches throughout Allegheny East Conference took to the streets to serve their community for Global Youth Day on Sabbath, March 15th. The theme was “A Community Transformed.” The theme and date for next year can be found HERE. Check out some highlights from some of our churches and ways below.

Church of the Oranges in Orange, NJ

Washington Mizo Seventh-day Adventist Church

Church youth members distributed food to homeless people and had short worship with them.

Horeb Haitian Church

Our youth department  made it our mission to visit all the sick and shut-in at our church. There are members who haven't been able to worship with us since prior to the shut down during Covid-19. Our brother, Joseph Sajus, suffered a major stroke recently. Here we are pictured with him after our youth- (Junior Deacon) Lionel Casseus delivered words of encouragement. Our junior Elder (Esdras Talabert) laid hands on our brother and prayed for him and his caring daughter (Gracieuse Sajus) that hasn't left his side in over a month.

Submitted by Youth Director, Lorah T. Pericles

Living Faith Church, West Orange, NJ


Safety Sabbath is March 29th