The VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION'S office is committed to providing accurate data to convey the status of corporate responsibility and growth.
Gary Wimbish
VP for Administration/Chief Human Resource Officer
Direct: 484.207.1709, Office: 610.326.4610, ext. 387
Email: gwimbish@aecsda.com
Kelly Strickland
Executive Administrative Assistant
Direct: 484.246.9510, Office: 610.326.4610, ext. 330
Email: kstrickland@aecsda.com
Jacqueline O'Bryant
Administrative Assistant
Direct: 484.240.5256, Office: 610.326.4610, ext. 310
Email: jobryant@aecsda.com
Category Two

Human Resources
Executive Committee Voted Actions
AEC Bylaws: Updated October 16, 2022
2022 AEC Constituency Session Info
Church Clerk Training Materials
eAdventist is a ministry tool for church membership and management. It also provides an organization directory and search that powers SDA Finder apps available from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
For more information, contact Jacqueline O'Bryant at 610-326-4610 x310 or jobryant@aecsda.com
Background Check
Allegheny East Conference in partnership with the North American Division of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has launched a Child Protection Screening and Training program utilizing Sterling Volunteers. The web-based platform features a training and screening system for both employees and volunteers across all conferences in the division.
For more info about Sterling Volunteers training and background check process, please contact Kelly Strickland at 610-326-4610 ext. 330 or kstrickland@aecsda.com.
Although roles vary from church to church, the responsibilities of a church clerk include, serving as secretary to church board and business meetings; maintaining church records and membership (transfers in and out of the church); and completing certificate and report forms.
For more info, contact Jacqueline O’Bryant at 610-326-4610 x310 or jobryant@aecsda.com