Wash Metro Area Women’s Ministries Hosts “Jubilee”

The Women’s Ministries of the Washington Metro Area, known as “Chosen Vessels” hosted a women's weekend “Jubilee,” which was, indeed, a call to celebrate. On Friday, September 15th, they opened the weekend's celebration by hosting a virtual program via Youtube. Ms. Jade Berryman (a senior college student at Morgan State University) blessed them with two specials in song and ushered in the Sabbath, and Pastor Kimberly Bulgin provided a word encouraging the ladies to Celebrate their Due Date for Deliverance.
On the morning of Saturday, September 16th at the Celebration Church in Columbia, MD the ladies gathered together, for the first time in 5 years, for a spirit-filled service. Donned in their Jubilee T-shirts they were ready to celebrate and celebrate, they did. Sherice A. Tomlin of Sherice Ministries and her beautiful team of extraordinary singers, accompanied by Nicole Anderson and the other members of the Good Energy Band (an all-female band), created an atmosphere of praise and worship. Pastor Claudia Allen (Emmanuel-Brinklow Church) poured out, into the women, what God had placed on her heart.
After the service, the Ladies' Luncheon was a treat. Thanks to Catering by D'onia, with Donna-Mae Gibson as their Executive Chef, the ladies were treated to a wide array of main Dishes, sides, and desserts. Afternoon sessions focused on Celebration as Selfcare were facilitated by Dr. Davenia Lea (who served as the Director of Education for the SDA church for 6 years) and Mrs. LaKeisha Dickerson (doctoral candidate and Middle-school teacher at George E. Peters SDA School) were a great way for the ladies to wind down their day.
Coming together for a blessing, the attendees answered the call to be a blessing and through their intentional contributions, were able to bless the community with each lady left with almost 300 pounds of rice and spaghetti and almost 1,000 baby diapers. Talk about Community Impact.
The ladies had a beautiful and blessed time together and declared that "2023 is our Year of Jubilee!". If you missed this event, don't you worry because the ladies are already excited about what God has in store, in 2024.