Serenity Church Hosts Retreat

On April 21-22, 2023, the Serenity Church family gathered at the Claggett Retreat Center in Adamstown, Maryland for its first "Sowing Seeds, Reaping the Harvest" Retreat. The focus of the getaway was threefold: to create a missional culture in the church, learn how to minister compassionately to the brokenhearted, and learning how to retain the harvest. 

Over 25 people gathered together to receive instruction from Jackson Doggette, author of the book, “Retaining the Harvest,” and Biblical Counselor, Jacci Davis, who specializes in bringing healing to the broken. 

The experience included seasons of prayer, small group exercises and a campfire "burn your past" ceremony.  Pastor Vernon Waters says, "This event is part of a five-phase yearlong evangelism cycle we have  adopted. We have embraced the fact that evangelism is not merely an event, but a process that includes lots of prayer, relationship building, learning to love and sharing God's Word in practical and effective ways."


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