Men’s Prayer Line Hosts Retreat

Psalm 133:1 says "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."

On July 19th-21st, this scripture was fully realized at the "Renewed, Refreshed, Restored" Men's Retreat held at Conference Center 1 on AEC grounds. the event was organized by the Men's Prayer Line founded by the late Larry Wilson of Philadelphia over 20 years ago. The retreat epitomized the original vision and mission of the prayer line - to provide a safe and spiritually nurturing place for men of all denominations to come together to be encouraged, empowered, and connected with other brothers who are seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord.

The 42 attendees included speakers from various Christian persuasions. Topics include "He Who Has Begun A Good Work,”"Unity: Real Talk,"  "Men's Health: Running the Race To Win Spiritually and Physically," "Fears, Hangups and Isolation," "Why Men Cry In The Dark," and much more. The interactions were heartfelt and moving, and we even took the time to have fun together. Some described the event as “life-changing.”

The feedback regarding the retreat was both encouraging and affirming. Many attendees are already looking forward to the next retreat. One young attendee now wants to attend Pine Forge Academy, and we have been contacted by a pastor from another church asking us to partner with him to organize a men's retreat next year! The Lord answered our prayers and we are looking forward to doing even greater things for Him and for men in the near future. Stay tuned brothers...more to come!!!

Written by Elder Mark Brown


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