Kinlock’s Korner

President Kinlock Worships with "Amigos de Jesus" in Takoma Park

Dr. Kinlock worshipped with the members of the "Amigos De Jesus" company in Takoma Park Sabbath, February 22nd. The predominantly Hispanic congregation is a very vibrant space filled with children, young adults, and families. During the service, the children's choir sang while 4 individuals were baptized. At the end of his sermon, Dr. Kinlock made an appeal for baptism, and 15 more individuals gave their lives to Christ! Sr. Pastor Santiago Romero led his people in a Spirit-filled service followed by a hearty fellowship lunch for the entire church. Dr. Kinlock met with the leaders of the church after the worship service. AEC is the most diverse regional conference in the nation, with over 5,000 Hispanic members.

Dr. Kinlock Celebrates Black Excellence at the Living Legends Award

On Saturday evening, February 22nd, Dr. Kinlock joined members of the Washington Metropolitan area as they celebrated the 20th Annual Living Legends Awards. The Awards celebration hosted by the Emmanuel-Brinklow church is an annual honoring of individuals who have made significant contributions in the areas of community, justice, equity and empowerment, and social change. Attendees gathered at the Sligo SDA church to recognize the justice work of several premiere leaders, including Dr. David Williams (Sr Research Scientist and Professor at Harvard and Yale University), Elder Joseph McCoy (former President of South Central Conference of SDAs), Angela Holder (history professor at Houston Community College), and Jason Holt (lawyer).  Living Legends Executive Director, Doreen Hines, remarked that she was amazed that they've elevated the justice contributions of influential people of color for the last 20 years!


AEC Member Celebrates 100th Birthday


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