Fourth Street Church Hosts Popsicle Festival for DC’s At-Risk Youth

Fourth Street Seventh-day Adventist Church, hosted a back-to-school event for at-risk children in Washington, D.C.
The Popsicle Festival Back to School Party sponsored by the Fourth Street Seventh-day Adventist Church gave away more than just school back packs to the 400 kids and families in attendance. According to Dr. Tijuana Griffin, chief organizer, the church wanted to make sure the children who live in crime and drug-infested areas of DC look good on their first day of school. Therefore, representatives from The Bennett Beauty School provided free haircuts and hair braiding.
Special music therapist, Julettia Williams, MA was on hand to help children play instruments.
There were free veggie hot dogs and snow cones donated by The Metropolitan Police Department. Engine Fire Station 6 gave safety tips to the kids. Kona Kayla provided face paint and balloon animals for children. They also offered prayers for the school children in Maui who have lost everything throughout the event.
Submitted by Rocky Twyman