Beacon-of-Light’s Annual Back-to- School Block Party
This year for our annual back to school block party, we emphasized awareness and nutrition! We had the opportunity to set up various stations. They highlighted our Life Skills Academy, Health, Women’s Ministry, we launched our coaching ministry, basketball team, youth, young adult, prayer and pathfinders. Our loving partners (the Mundle family) set up the back pack stations, cereal and other food giveaway station, information stations on home fire safety (Allstate) and domestic violence. All of which the community is affected by. We seek to combat evil with service, information, love, authority and by Gods grace consistency!
For all who prayed, thank you. For every donation, venders, to the amazing amazing community services leader in the person of Lisa Slade, the Diggs family (for listening to God), Mr. PJ with 7 Starr Wings Food truck (fed around 450), people who attended, called, cared, HACA who helped with the logistics, Annapolis Police, the members and friends of the GREAT Beacon Light Seventh-Day Adventist Church and all of our brothers and sisters in the blessed Robinwood Community.
Submitted by Pastor Novella Smith