The MINISTERIAL DEPARTMENT of the Allegheny East Conference exists to serve the spiritual, professional and personal needs of our Pastors, Bible Instructors and their families.
Gene Donaldson
Ministerial Director
Direct: 484.272.8554, Office: 610.326.4610, ext. 318
Email: gdonaldson@aecsda.com
Gwendolyn Bradford Norwood
Administrative Assistant
Direct: 484.245.4679, Office: 610.326.4610, ext. 314
Email: gnorwood@aecsda.com
Helpful Resources
North American Division's Action Guide Health Disparities Action Guide
The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner
Creation Health Seminar Personal Study Guide
The Black Butterfly by Lawrence T. Brown
Not in My Neighborhood by Antero Pietila
Community Health Needs Assessment (from local county hospitals)
Ministry of Health by Ellen G. White