2016, Pastor Vincent Dehm: Devotional Previous Pastor Vincent Dehm- "Communication styles" Next Keynote: Phil Cooke "Teamwork" You Might Also Like Solomon Williams - Digital Strategies on Instagram Kevin Wilson - "5 Paradigm Shifts for the Christian Influencer in an Secular Age" Raynard Josephs - Digital Marketing AEC CamCon 2019 Extended - "George O'Bryant" “Developing a Social Media Strategy for Your Church or Ministry”
2016, Pastor Vincent Dehm: Devotional Previous Pastor Vincent Dehm- "Communication styles" Next Keynote: Phil Cooke "Teamwork" You Might Also Like Solomon Williams - Digital Strategies on Instagram Kevin Wilson - "5 Paradigm Shifts for the Christian Influencer in an Secular Age" Raynard Josephs - Digital Marketing AEC CamCon 2019 Extended - "George O'Bryant" “Developing a Social Media Strategy for Your Church or Ministry”