Process for the Selection of AEC’s New President
On Sunday, March 24th, Dr. Marcellus T. Robinson, AEC president, was elected to serve as the president of the Columbia Union Conference, headquartered in Columbia, Md. Since then, Robinson has been serving in both roles simultaneously.
Who will select AEC’s next president?
According to our AEC Bylaws, Article IX - Executive Committee, Section 4 states: “The Executive Committee shall have full administrative authority: b. To fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, in its boards, committees, departments, or in offices which have been filled by conference election. If a new president is to be elected, the President of the Columbia Union Conference, or designee, shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee;”
Article IX - Executive Committee, Section 2: Delegated Authority, states: “The Executive Committee of the Conference is delegated authority to act on behalf of the constituents between regular sessions, including the authority to elect or remove, for cause, officers, directors of departments, boards, and committee members. …”
Please note that Celeste Ryan Blyden, executive secretary of the Columbia Union, will serve as the chair of the Executive Committee during the sessions pertaining to the selection process.
What will the selection process look like?